Connecting Innovation: the Mediterranean network of Blue Biotechnology Hubs


Name: CyanoCare Developed by: i3S – Institute for Research and Innovation in Health; PORTUGALPortugal Funding sources: government budget funds and ERDF (FCT, EIT Health Porto, etc) General idea: CyanoCare aims to develop added-value products based on...


Name: CyanoCare Developed by: i3S – Institute for Research and Innovation in Health; PORTUGALPortugal Funding sources: government budget funds and ERDF (FCT, EIT Health Porto, etc) General idea: CyanoCare aims to develop added-value products based on...

Production of probiotics for adriatic fish – ADRIAQUANET

Name: Production of probiotics for adriatic fish – ADRIAQUANET Developed by: The Institute of Oceanography and FisheriesCroatia, Italy Funding sources: EU General idea: Use of probiotics for fish one can maintaine fish good health and quality. TRL: 5. Technology...