Connecting Innovation: the Mediterranean network of Blue Biotechnology Hubs


Name: VASCO II Developed by: Leader : GPMM (Port of Marseille) Research partners : IFREMER, CEA CADARACHE, CEA GRENOBLE Industrial partners: KemOne, Arcelor Mittal , Solamat Merex, Lyondell Bassell , Coldep , Inovertis , Heliopur TechnologiesFrance Funding sources:...

Maritime Strategy of Catalonia. Strategic Plan 2021 -2030

Name: Maritime Strategy of Catalonia. Strategic Plan 2021 -2030 Developed by: GOVERNMENT OF CATALONIASpain Funding sources: Regional General idea: In December 2016, Catalonia approved, by means of a Government Agreement, the creation of the Generalitat’s...