Connecting Innovation: the Mediterranean network of Blue Biotechnology Hubs

Production of probiotics for adriatic fish – ADRIAQUANET

Name: Production of probiotics for adriatic fish – ADRIAQUANET Developed by: The Institute of Oceanography and FisheriesCroatia, Italy Funding sources: EU General idea: Use of probiotics for fish one can maintaine fish good health and quality. TRL: 5. Technology...

Production of spirulin for food consumption

Name: Production of spirulin for food consumption Developed by: ApuliaKundi ItalyItaly Funding sources: Apulia Region (start up) General idea: Cultivation of the cyanobaterium Spirulina for the preparation of several types of functional foods and integrators for human...

Blue Crowdfunding

Name: Blue Crowdfunding Developed by: Blue Crowdfunding Project (Interreg MED), Lead Partner E-Zavod Croatia, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain Funding sources: INTERREG MED General idea: Blue economy innovation in Mediterranean could be significantly improved,...