Connecting Innovation: the Mediterranean network of Blue Biotechnology Hubs

Production of vaccines for adriatic fish

Name: Production of vaccines for adriatic fish Developed by: Croatian Veterinary InstututeCroatia Funding sources: EU General idea: Use of effective vaccines for sensitive fish we one eliminate loses in fish food production, addressing food industry concerns. TRL: 5....

Algaes to save the world

Name: Algaes to save the world Developed by: The Blue Future, SPAINSpain Funding sources: International General idea: Use of Blockchain to geo-locate, validate and manage an own DAO (digital decentralized autonomous organization) and generate tokens with...

Microalgae incorporation into healthy food products

Name: Microalgae incorporation into healthy food products Developed by: Grad hrane d.o.o.Croatia Funding sources: ERDF- structural funds Croatia General idea: Incorporation of microalgae extracts into bakery products TRL: 6. Technology demonstrated in relevant...