Connecting Innovation: the Mediterranean network of Blue Biotechnology Hubs


Developed by:
i3S – Institute for Research and Innovation in Health; PORTUGALPortugal

Funding sources:
government budget funds and ERDF (FCT, EIT Health Porto, etc)

General idea:
CyanoCare aims to develop added-value products based on cyanobacteria. CyanoCare products will all have origin in cyanobacteria, which have several competitive characteristics: high growth rate, low nutritional requirements (sunlight, air, water and inorganic nutrients) resulting in low-cost production, high source of compounds with industrial interest (e.g. polymers, biomass, pigments), and are renewable and sustainable resources of raw material for platform technologies. CyanoCare startup activity will start by commercializing a unique biopolymer named Cyanoflan, which is produced naturally in large quantities by a marine cyanobacterium. Due to its natural properties, this raw material can be used in different industries, including the biopharmaceutical through cosmetic and body care products, aiming at replacing the daily use of synthetic compounds by renewable natural products. The incorporation of these 100% natural, biodegradable, biocompatible and non-toxic polymers in the final products of different industries will allow reaching ecologically conscious consumers.

4. Technology validated in lab



Posted on

20 January 2025