Connecting Innovation: the Mediterranean network of Blue Biotechnology Hubs

Applied Blue Biotechnology Master

Name: Applied Blue Biotechnology Master Developed by: Catholic University of Valencia (in Spain)Spain Funding sources: International General idea: Blue Biotechnology Master for a Blue Career is a project funded by the EU and launch the Master that has been co-designed...


Name: REBECA: NETWOK OF EXCELLENCE IN BLUE BIOTECHNOLOGY Developed by: Fundación Canaria Parque Científico Tecnológico de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spanish Algae Bank)Portugal, Spain Funding sources: International General idea: REBECA is a...

Communication through CEPA Toolkit for Nagaya Protocol

Name: Communication through CEPA Toolkit for Nagaya Protocol Developed by: United Nations (through the Convention on Biological Diversity)Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain Funding sources: UN Environment Programme General idea: CEPA...

Communication through CEPA Toolkit for Nagaya Protocol

Name: Communication through CEPA Toolkit for Nagaya Protocol Developed by: United Nations (through the Convention on Biological Diversity)Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain Funding sources: UN Environment Programme General idea: CEPA...