Connecting Innovation: the Mediterranean network of Blue Biotechnology Hubs

Blue Crowdfunding

Name: Blue Crowdfunding Developed by: Blue Crowdfunding Project (Interreg MED), Lead Partner E-Zavod Croatia, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain Funding sources: INTERREG MED General idea: Blue economy innovation in Mediterranean could be significantly improved,...

Blue Innovation Voucher Scheme

Name: Blue Innovation Voucher Scheme Developed by: Blue Boost – lead partner Croatian Camber of EconomyCroatia, Greece, Italy Funding sources: EU Interreg Adrion Program General idea: Use of transnational innovation vouchers as an innovative funding tool to...

Blue Innovation Hub

Name: Blue Innovation Hub Developed by: Patras Science Park -GreeceGreece General idea: Blue Innovation HUB is a joint initiative of leading academic research labs and Patras Science Park with the aim to exploit research results and promote innovation, new product...