Connecting Innovation: the Mediterranean network of Blue Biotechnology Hubs

Coordinated Development and Implementation of Best Practice in Bycatch Reduction in the North Atlantic, Baltic and Mediterranean Regions

Name: Coordinated Development and Implementation of Best Practice in Bycatch Reduction in the North Atlantic, Baltic and Mediterranean Regions Developed by: CETMAR – Centro tecnologico del mar (Spain) Associacao Natureza Portugal Directorate Generale for Natural...

Survey and TReament ON Ghost Nets Sea LIFE

Name: Survey and TReament ON Ghost Nets Sea LIFE Developed by: Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research CFVA(Corpo Forestale e di Vigilanza Ambientale), Italy AGRIS(Agris Sardegna Agenzia per la ricerca in agricoltura), Italy PARCO(ENTE PARCO...


Name: savefeed Developed by: ctn Countrie(s) involved: spain Funding sources: Own funding Specific organism(s) focused: El objetivo principal de la presente propuesta es la de validar, en producción, el dispositivo Sensor Inteligente para el Control de la...