Connecting Innovation: the Mediterranean network of Blue Biotechnology Hubs

BIOECO-R.D.I. BIO-ECOnomy Research Driven Innovation

Name: BIOECO-R.D.I. BIO-ECOnomy Research Driven Innovation Developed by: International consortium Partner from Slovenia – National Institute of Chemistry Slovenia Funding sources: EU General idea: Contribution to development of blue economy: investigation of...

Algae Biorefineries for Europe – D FACTORY

Name: Algae Biorefineries for Europe – D FACTORY Developed by: Spain, Israel (Production locations) Netherlands (Biomass harvesting)Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain Funding sources: EU-FP7 General idea: D-factory is a R&D project aiming to grow, bio-refine...

ALGAETEC Biobase Business Park

Name: ALGAETEC Biobase Business Park Developed by: PortugalPortugal General idea: ALGATEC is an Eco Business Park designed to welcome entrepreneurial companies and projects in the algae and microalgae sector. It is the result of a partnership between:A4F –...

Microalgae cosmeceuticals and nutraceuticals (AlgaeCeuticals)

Name: Microalgae cosmeceuticals and nutraceuticals (AlgaeCeuticals) Developed by: Agricultural University of Athens, CERTH (Greece), BIONOS (Spain)Croatia, Greece, Italy, Spain Funding sources: EU General idea: Microalgae biomass is used as a rich source of compounds...