National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies
28 Street 2 March 1934 Carthage Salammbô 2025 Tunis.
Phone number:
e-Mail address:
Brief description of the organization’s activities:
The National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies is research institution under the Ministry of Agriculture of Tunisia. INSTM conducts several projects at levl of MED scale and National scale. It well involved in the national economy by answering questions related to aquaculture, conchyliculture, Fish stock, environnement, …
Sector(s) of involvement:
Aquaculture and fisheries technologies; Circular economyYes
Role of the organization in the development and/or application of Blue Biotechnologies:
There is a laboratory working on Biotechnology
Skills and services provided:
Laboratory Analysis of several parameters, …
Needs in terms of research, innovation, development, and/or application of blue biotechnologies:
Financial support, Technology, …