Gruppo CS
Via Leini, 23 – 10036 Settimo (TO) – IT
Phone number:
+39-(0)11 – 897.24.00
e-Mail address:
Brief description of the organization’s activities:
During its over 25 years’ experience in the field of European funding programs, CS Group has took part in several projects derived from different programs at national and international level (see below).
“CS Group has participated in elaboration, presentation and management of numerous projects, dealing with various Programs and Topics, such as improvement of educational systems (LLP – Erasmus+); Energy Efficiency (IEE – H2020), RTD projects (H2020); Strategic Partnership & Strategic Alliance (Erasmus+); research analysis (LLP – MED); Cross Border Cooperation (Interreg Alcotra – Interreg Med – CBC ENPI).”
Through “Lifelong Learning”, CS Group has encouraged its staff and its local, European and international partners to acquire more professional skills, especially to improve the comprehensive quality of the state workforce, in order to have the capability of working on different topics.
By means of these projects, CS Group has gained a well developed network of partners, at national and international level, specializing in the field of public administration, national authorities, public bodies and other institutions; academic field, universities and research centres, and any other organisations operating in the industry and/or service sector.
An extensive experience gained in accessing, managing, implementing and monitoring of EU funded projects equips CS Group, with a competent and effective administration of all the stages and activities of a project cycle.
Sector(s) of involvement:
Waste valorization; Energy; Circular economyNoBenefits
Organization’s benefits from the application of Blue Biotechnologies:
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