European transdisciplinary networking platform for marine biotechnology (Ocean4Biotech)

Developed by:
National Institute of Biology (SI), Rudjer Boskovic Institute, University of Zagreb – Faculty of Science, XPRO Consulting Limited, Cyprus University of Technology, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, University of Sarajevo, , Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, National Research Council (CNR), Università di Torino, Blue EcoTEch Ltd, University of Montenegro, Centre of Marine Sciences, NOVA Faculty of Sciences and Technology, MEDINA Fundacion,…

Countrie(s) involved:
Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Cyprus, Malta, Montenegro

Funding sources:

Specific organism(s) focused:
The overall aim of Ocean4Biotech is to bring together experts in the field of marine biotechnology, to provide a platform for sharing experience, knowledge and technologies and to design a roadmap for a more efficient and rapid development of marine biotechnology research in Europe and beyond. To best of our knowledge, such a large, diverse and geographically dispersed network of experts in marine biotechnology does not exist. Since marine biotechnology is still in its infancy, we believe this is the optimal timing to create this efficient, operational, motivated, inclusive and sustainable network with a serious and ambitious commitment for proactive dissemination and science communication activities.

Specific organism(s) focused:

Specific organism(s) focused:
Viruses; Archaea, bacteria, cyanobacteria; Fungi and Traustochytrids; Microalgae; Macroalgae; Metazoa (tunicates, molluscs, sponges, Cnidaria, etc.)

Serctor(s) involved:

Serctor(s) involved:
Aquaculture and fisheries technologies; Waste valorization; Food and feed; Agriculture; Biomedical; Pharmaceutical; Bio-inspired materials; Cosmetics and wellbeing; Bioremediation, ecosystem restoration, climate change mitigation and other environmental biotechnology; Biorefinery; Circular economy

TRL 1-3; TRL 4-6

Helix sector/involvement:
Research performing organizations and academia; SME; NGOs and civil organizations; Networks, clusters, associations, societiesYes

Link to the good practice:

The overall aim of Ocean4Biotech COST Action was to:

– bring together experts in the field of marine biotechnology,
– provide a platform for sharing experience, knowledge and technologies,
– design a roadmap for a more efficient and rapid development of marine biotechnology research in Europe and beyond.

Within different Working groups, the experts worked toghether on different research topics, resulting in joint published research articles, PhD mentorship, project proposals and funded projects as well as multiple media and conference participations.

Altogether 40 countries participated in the COST Action, from which 12 were from EU-MED region.

Working group 4 was dedicated to legal aspects and, IPR and ethics in marine biotechnology. More info on the link below:


Posted on

20 January 2025