Coordinated Development and Implementation of Best Practice in Bycatch Reduction in the North Atlantic, Baltic and Mediterranean Regions
Developed by:
CETMAR – Centro tecnologico del mar (Spain)
Associacao Natureza Portugal
Directorate Generale for Natural Resources, Safety and Maritime services (Portugal)
IFREMER – French national institute for ocean science and technology
Instituto Portugues do Mar e da Atmosfera
University of Santiago de Compostela
Countrie(s) involved:
Spain, Portugal, France
Funding sources:
Specific organism(s) focused:
The main objective of LIFE CIBBRiNA is to minimise and, where possible, eliminate bycatch mortality of priority ETP species. This will be achieved through EU cross-border and cross-sectoral cooperation, involving industry, scientists, authorities and other relevant stakeholders, to establish regionally coordinated mitigation, monitoring and assessment programmes.
The specific objectives are:
To establish regional monitoring programmes to achieve a steep change in the reliability of bycatch estimates;
To develop methods to assess the conservation implications of incidental bycatch in data-rich and data-poor situations;
To create a ‘safe environment’ to share information and develop viable solutions for all stakeholders involved;
To develop, demonstrate, promote and stimulate innovative, effective techniques, methods and approaches to reduce the mortality of marine ETP species, including through bycatch;
To optimise, develop and evaluate mitigation methods and recommend the most appropriate tools while working to ensure their long-term implementation;
To support effective mitigation by implementing successful monitoring programmes in cooperation with the Regional Coordination Groups (RCGs);
To gain support from all stakeholders by assessing and successfully addressing the socio-economic implications of proposed measures;
To achieve successful cross-border cooperation, for implementation of recommended measures, among governmental organisations, the fisheries sector including RCGs, NGOs and scientists;
To secure long-term funding for the continuation and long-term sustainability of recommended incidental bycatch mitigation measures.
CIBBRiNA will ensure the long-term sustainability of the recommended procedures by embedding these in policy and best practice going forward.
Specific organism(s) focused:
Specific organism(s) focused:
Organism(s) indirectly focused:
different species under bycatch
Serctor(s) involved:
Serctor(s) involved:
Aquaculture and fisheries technologies
TRL 1-3; TRL 4-6
Helix sector/involvement:
Research performing organizations and academia; SME; Ministries, agencies, local administration; NGOs and civil organizationsYes
Link to the good practice:
The project started in september 2023.
Not yet available data.