Micoperi Blue Growth srl
Via Trieste, 279 – 48122- Ravenna – Italy
e-Mail address:
Brief description of the organization’s activities:
Micoperi Blue Growth was born in 2014 with the aim of changing the way of producing microalgae, single-celled plants with countless properties and their potential applications on the global market. MBG activities include research, production and marketing of microalgae and derivative products of the highest quality, selected and cultivated entirely in Italy:
• Large-scale production of microalgae in a certified agri-food supply chain
• Research for eco-sustainable and biocompatible active ingredients applicable in different sectors: agri-food, medical, cosmetic, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical
• Information on nutritional content
• Tools for food education
• Respect for the environment: reduction of water consumption, use of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and residual heat produced by industrial plants
Sector(s) of involvement:
Aquaculture and fisheries technologies; Food and feed; Agriculture; Biomedical; Pharmaceutical; Cosmetics and wellbeingNoExternally supports
Organization’s support in the application of blue biotechnologies:
Research support to universities (unibo, unife, CNR) in research projects ( e.g. BluRama, BlueBio, Blue Growth)
Services and products that the organization would develop to further support the research, innovation, and/or application of blue biotechnologies:
collaboration between researchers, microalgal biomass supply to research projects