Connecting Innovation: the Mediterranean network of Blue Biotechnology Hubs

BioAlva (Localverse SASU)

BioAlva (Localverse SASU)

10 rue Pablo Picasso, 25000 Besancon, FRANCE

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Brief description of the organization’s activities:
BioAlva is a DeepTech startup based in France. We develop natural food products with the sea flavours, made from seaweeds and beans. Our ambition is to vegetalize our daily menus and bring the benefits of the sea to all, while avoiding overfishing. We are targeting school and university canteens, companies, hospitals and nursing homes, to raise awareness of the ecological transition among citizens from an early age.

Sector(s) of involvement:
Food and feed; Circular economyYes

Role of the organization in the development and/or application of Blue Biotechnologies:
BioAlva develops natural products with sea flavours made from seaweed

Skills and services provided:
Seaweed fermentation, plant-based fish product development, fish flavouring solution without using fish

Needs in terms of research, innovation, development, and/or application of blue biotechnologies:
Partners in seaweed research, build consortium about seaweed applications in hospitals, school canteens, research on microorganisms (bacteria) living in seaweeds

24 October 2024

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