Connecting Innovation: the Mediterranean network of Blue Biotechnology Hubs

AKVA group

AKVA group

Plogfabrikkvegen 11
Klepp Stasjon

Phone number:

e-Mail address:


Brief description of the organization’s activities:
Technology supplier for aquaculture

Business model:
We offer hardware, software and equipment for aquaculture

Sector(s) of involvement:
Aquaculture and fisheries technologiesYes

Role of the organization in the development and/or application of Blue Biotechnologies:
Reduce waste, improve welfare, use of reneweable enrgy

Skills and services provided:
Knowledge in precise feeding, new tehcnology, AI to reduce waste

Needs in terms of research, innovation, development, and/or application of blue biotechnologies:
Biologic effect of light, enviroment, prediction of diseases, reduce waste, use of biologcial waste

24 October 2024

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