Connecting Innovation: the Mediterranean network of Blue Biotechnology Hubs

Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, Agricultural University of Tirana

Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, Agricultural University of Tirana

Koder-Kamez, Tirane, Albania

e-Mail address:


Brief description of the organization’s activities:
The object of our research work at AUT is focused on: conducting of applied
research, innovation and technology transfer and being a leader and reference research
center at national and regional level. We aimed to actively colaborate in solving the
dilemmas of national development in the field of policies and agricultural technologies,
development of agro-industries, environment, forestry and food security based on
European best practices. Furthermore, we guarantee a stable educational environment,
with a dynamic curriculum to enable students with analytic, logical and communication
skills and appropriate for a changing dynamic environment. Research should serve
effective teaching, in order the student to be able to carry out investigations, analyse
and solve every day problems using knowledges and skills gained in their studies. To
promote a culture of research among students, it is important to help and support them
in developing research capabilities. The research profile at AUT has a platform that extends across a wide range of
disciplines, supported by T&RG, former research institutes, now an integral part of
AUT, doctoral students. AUT is currently facing a number of challenges and dilemmas
of agriculture development in general. Therefore, we must find the best way of
organizing to bring research to modern standards levels. At the same time, in order to
be more attractive to real economy, the research topics should response to the scientific
research strategy of our country. AUT should play a leadership role in the technological
development and scientific research in the fields of agriculture, economy, veterinary,
agro-environment, forests etc. AUT should return to an institution to perform trainings,
expertise and should be part of the agricultural policy making.
The activity of the Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries is based on its mission and vision.
The Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries has the following mission :
– The formation of aquaculture and fishing specialists capable of responding to the current and future needs of the aquaculture and fishing industry, their supporting industries, and state, public or private agencies with a focus on water resources management.
– Scientific research in the field of advanced technologies for the cultivation of aquatic organisms and finding the best ways to ensure effective and sustainable fishing.
– Advisory service in the field of aquaculture and fishing
The vision of the Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries is, through academic education, professional training, scientific research and advisory services, to contribute to sustainable development and in accordance with international standards in the aquaculture and fisheries sectors.

Sector(s) of involvement:
Aquaculture and fisheries technologies; Food and feed; AgricultureYes

Role of the organization in the development and/or application of Blue Biotechnologies:
research in fishery sectors

Skills and services provided:
monitoring the abiotic and biotic parameters

Needs in terms of research, innovation, development, and/or application of blue biotechnologies:
specialisation in new methodologies and recrutiment of specialised staff members

24 October 2024