University of Minho – 3B’s Research Group
Avepark – Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia, Zona Industrial da Gandra, 4805-017 Barco – Guimarães, PORTUGAL
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Brief description of the organization’s activities:
Research Institute from a Portuguese University working on the interface between Materials Engineering and Health Sciences, namely developing research and innovation on biomaterials, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, stem cells, advanced therapies, in vitro tissue and disease models. There is a research line on marine origin materials and valorization of marine resources and derived by-products.
Sector(s) of involvement:
Waste valorization; Biomedical; Pharmaceutical; Bio-inspired materials; Biorefinery; Circular economyYes
Role of the organization in the development and/or application of Blue Biotechnologies:
Research on the isolation of marine bio-based materials and their use for biotechnological applications, particularly regarding biomedical applications.
Skills and services provided:
Methodologies for isolation of materials from natural resources; materials processing and characterization technologies; development of biomaterials and other biomedical applications; performance assessment in biomedicine using in vitro assays.
Needs in terms of research, innovation, development, and/or application of blue biotechnologies:
Cooperation with producers and processors of marine biological resources; cooperation with end-users, namely on biomedicine; assessment of life cycle and of regulatory framework; funding to promote and support spin-offs