Connecting Innovation: the Mediterranean network of Blue Biotechnology Hubs



1682 Rue de la Valsière Cap Delta Biopôle Euromédecine II 34790 Grabels

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Brief description of the organization’s activities:
Diag4zoo develops and offers “multi-species” innovative tests and molecular analysis services in animal health meeting veterinary needs in terms of biosecurity, farm optimization and traits selection. Diag4zoo benefits from more than 25 years of background in NGS sequencing and detection of genomic biomarkers in the veterinary field and especially in the field of aquaculture. Diag4zoo aims to develop new molecular diagnostic kits that are sensitive, fast and useful.

Business model:
Diag4zoo is looking for different partners in order to develop new innovative diagnostic tests aiming to improve the quality of fish farming and to optimize the breeding process such as:
– Fish farmers willing to improve the quality of breeding and selection,
– Research Centres involved into R&D for traits selection, infectious diseases, and quality control in fish farming and/or aiming to develop new technological tools able to improve aquaculture,
– Fish farming providers (eg: food provider,…) that would like to improve their products in order to meet their customer’s requirements.

Sector(s) of involvement:
Aquaculture and fisheries technologies; Food and feedYes

Role of the organization in the development and/or application of Blue Biotechnologies:
Our role is to provide added value to the veterinary world (producers, scientists), by identifying and validating RNA/DNA biomarkers in blood/hemolymph/tissue samples, depending on the species. The aim is to compare groups of samples for diagnostic applications: resistance prediction, broodstock selection, analyzing the effects of treatment/feeding

Skills and services provided:
Our team has a reproducible and transposable process, and an approach validated by many services for different research teams:
– In various sectors: industry (drug/food/vaccines), producer/farmer, animal academic research…
– With different types of analysis: transcriptome, genome, microbiome…
Our expertise in genomics and transcriptomics and our experience in producing and delivering high-quality animal Data Omics now enable us to develop innovative Diagnostic Tests. These tests (qPCR or strip), which can be used routinely or in the field, are based on combinations of predictive biomarkers identified upstream.

Needs in terms of research, innovation, development, and/or application of blue biotechnologies:
we are looking for different partners such as:
– Research Team involved into R&D for selection, infectious diseases, and quality control in fish farming
– Fish farmers for improving the quality of breeding or selection

24 October 2024