Connecting Innovation: the Mediterranean network of Blue Biotechnology Hubs

Blue Crowdfunding

Developed by:
Blue Crowdfunding Project (Interreg MED), Lead Partner
Croatia, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain

Funding sources:

General idea:
Blue economy innovation in Mediterranean could be significantly improved, if more investment funds would be available.One possible solution is use of crowdfunding (CF), but knowledge and capacities for CF are still low in MED area . Project general objective is to improve innovation capacities in blue growth sector by mainstreaming use of crowdfunding. Project ambition is to trigger change from using public funds for innovation to use crowdfunding and crowdsourcing to fund, test and validate innovative blue economy products and services. Consequently blue-economy SMEs will get better access to funding and will be able to deliver better and more innovative solutions.The project will address the following blue economy sectors: blue energy, maritime safety, maritime transport, maritime tourism, fisheries and aquaculture.



Posted on

20 January 2025