University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Science
Zmaja od Bosne 33-35
Phone number:
+387 33 723 723
e-Mail address:
Brief description of the organization’s activities:
The Faculty of Science is an organizational unit of the University of Sarajevo (UNSA) that makes a major contribution to the scientific recognition and visibility of UNSA, the oldest and largest state university in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It consists of 5 departments: biology, chemistry, physics, geography and mathematics, whose employees are actively involved in a large number of international projects from various fields of basic and applied science. The Faculty of Science is ready to participate in the below-mentioned aspects of involvement in the project, including providing expertise in various areas important for the valorization and protection of the marine environment, especially in the field of natural sciences (life and earth sciences). Our goal is to become part of an international, multidisciplinary scientific network that actively works on research and protection of the Mediterranean, especially in the field of biodiversity and blue biotechnology.
Sector(s) of involvement:
Aquaculture and fisheries technologies; Waste valorization; Food and feed; Biomedical; Pharmaceutical; Bio-inspired materials; Energy; Cosmetics and wellbeing; Bioremediation, ecosystem restoration, climate change mitigation and other environmental biotechnology; Circular economyNoExternally supports
Organization’s support in the application of blue biotechnologies:
research support, capacity building, training
Services and products that the organization would develop to further support the research, innovation, and/or application of blue biotechnologies:
The establishment of the UNSA Biorepository of prokaryotic (bacteria) and eukaryotic (unicellular and multicellular fungi, plants and animals) organisms with biopotential for application in various branches of biotechnology.