Connecting Innovation: the Mediterranean network of Blue Biotechnology Hubs




Mavrokordatou 29, Dafne, Athens 17235

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Brief description of the organization’s activities:
Microphykos is a company developing algae and aquaculture projects. Currently, manufactures algae culture systems tailor-made for marine hatchery phytoplankton production systems (photobioreactors), Spirulina and algae farms both indoors and outdoors. Microphykos has experts for advising on algae, rotifers and Artemia hatchery production; Spirulina farming; algae natural products developing; algae projects development and funding.

Microphykos offers automated water analysis and control for aquaculture and other industries, in collaboration with our partner Kuntze Instruments GmbH.

Sector(s) of involvement:
Aquaculture and fisheries technologies; Food and feed; Agriculture; Pharmaceutical; Cosmetics and wellbeing; Bioremediation, ecosystem restoration, climate change mitigation and other environmental biotechnology; Circular economyYes

Role of the organization in the development and/or application of Blue Biotechnologies:
Microphykos is a team of people exploring algal diversity and culture physiology in an effort to offer up-to-date technologies and product ideas.

Skills and services provided:
PHOTOBIOREACTORS: Main objective of Microphykos is to provide tailor-made intensive culturing systems for microalgae. Panels, horizontal tubes or towers could be developed with our partner Kelyphos Innovative Design Solutions, for certain applications suiting each client’s needs and resources.

The systems stand alone, indoors or outdoors, and could be equipped with artificial illumination banks (i-models), CO2 supplying unit (C-models), temperature control (plus-models) in any combination.

HATCHERY SOLUTIONS: Microphykos team and academic partners have extensive expertise on algae and zooplankton (rotifers, Artemia, copepods) as well as on fish-larvae nutrition requirements and larvae tank conditioning with pseudo-green water techniques. Microphykos offers consultancy, advise, project development regarding the live food chain in hatcheries. Microppykos will be able soon to provide Greek algal strains, algal inocula, pure rotifer start-up cultures and copepod development kit.

SENSORS: Microphykos partner for automation and water measurements is Kuntze Instruments GmbH (Germany) a highly acclaimed precision instrument manufacturer of industrial purpose electrodes (most hand-made).

SYSTEMS: Microphykos offers tailor-made systems for integrated multiple water measurements based on Kuntze’s prefabricated devices.

SERVICES: Microphykos offers technical support in designing and maintaining water measurement and monitoring systems. Offers also special services by Kuntze pertaining to software and remote control.

FARM DEVELOPMENT: Expertise on the biology and industrial cultivation of Spirulina since the days of his BSc thesis in the University of Athens. During the last years Microphykos collaborates with five companies in Greece for the technical and scientific support of their production of excellent quality Spirulina products (pills, powder, flakes). New projects for Spirulina farming are underway in Greece, Italy and Turkey.

Microphykos offers support for clients wanting to develop Spirulina farms in Greece and abroad, ranging from consultancy to turn-key solutions. Our experts can provide support for permits, funding, design, construction, equipment, strain, production and lab facilities, training, technical and scientific monitoring and service.

Spirulina farms usually comprise cultivation ponds with paddle-wheels, sheltered in green-houses with screen harvesting facilities, solar drying and on-site wholesale packing and storing. Microphykos develops also projects for PBR farming (LDPH) both indoors or outdoors.

PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Microphykos in collaboration with its academic partners undertakes R&D on Spirulina product development.

ALGAE FARMS: Algae Farms Microphykos with its new photobioreactor design for large algae farms made of practically infinitely expandable LDPE has developed business plans for microalgae production in large scale pertaining to: Marine phytoplankton farming for concentrated live product meant for hatchery applications
Spirulina mega farming

Microphykos has developed protocols for clients pertaining to:
cosmetic extracts from marine phytoplankton and Spirulina,
phycocyanin extracts of various purities from Spirulina
b-carotene from Dunaliella
natural products from red macroalgae

Microphykos has experience in projects in Greece and Eastern Mediterranean and has deployed small PBR and small pond units installed in pilot plants for biodiesel in Greece, Cyprus, Lebanon, Egypt, Malta and South Italy.

PACKAGING STATIONS: Microphykos has expertise in designing, constructing and servicing packaging units according to specifications of the Greek National Organization for Medicines. It supports the whole process from permit and accreditation to designing, constructing, equipping, training and operation monitoring and servicing. There are two Spirulina packaging labs made under Microphykos supervision in Greece and another one under construction.

CONSULTANCY:Microphycos’ experts provide consultancy on every step of natural product development from algae (nutraceuticals, cosmeceuticals, feed additives, food additives, natural biofouling agents, anti-oxidants etc.). Microphykos’ experts provide consultancy on every step of live food production in hatcheries including :

Brine shrimp
Pseudo-green water techniques

Needs in terms of research, innovation, development, and/or application of blue biotechnologies:


Posted on

20 January 2025