Bioremediation of contaminated sediments in coastal areas of ex-industrial sites
Developed by:
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
Nisida Environment Srl
Agenzia nazionale per l’attrazione degli investimenti e lo sviluppo d’impresa SpA
Università Politecnica delle Marche
Countrie(s) involved:
Funding sources:
Specific organism(s) focused:
LIFE SEDREMED aims to demonstrate the efficiency of an innovative in situ remediation methodology for the decontamination of heavily polluted coastal sediments, bringing it to TRL8 by project end. The methodology will adapt and combine two existing technologies that are currently commercialised at TRL9 for applications such as soil/groundwater remediation and reduction of organic matter in sediments: electro-kinetic system (EKO) and biofixed microorganisms (IDRA).
Specifically, the project aims to:
Develop and install a prototype, by adapting, integrating and optimising the two technologies (IDRA and EKO), designing the most efficient bio-remediation strategy, applying it on an area of 2 ha, and remediating a volume of around 40 000 m3 of contaminated marine sediments;
Complement the solution by an innovative monitoring methodology to investigate the efficiency of the remediation technologies and the related impact on local biodiversity;
Develop a detailed transfer manual and business plan to promote the methodology’s replication and close-to-market uptake in other contaminated coastal areas around Europe; and
Create and operate a Mediterranean Remediation Knowledge and Innovation hub (MEDREHUB) to foster environmental bioremediation technologies.
The project will ensure that the marine sediments in the pilot areas comply with the requirements of the Water Framework Directive, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the Environmental Quality Standard Directive.
Specific organism(s) focused:
IndirectlyBio-fixation method, which allows immobilising different microorganisms on natural mineral supports, in order to decontaminate sediments.
Serctor(s) involved:
Serctor(s) involved:
Bioremediation, ecosystem restoration, climate change mitigation and other environmental biotechnology
TRL 7-9
Helix sector/involvement:
Research performing organizations and academia; SME; Large industry; Ministries, agencies, local administrationYes
Link to the good practice:
No inforamtion available on the website. The project will fisish in 2025.